Home Recovery Kit Tips For Your Dog After Being Spayed Or Neutered

29 December 2020
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When you have to schedule a surgery for your pet, things can be pretty nerve-racking. This is true even after a basic, standard surgery like having your pet spayed or neutered. While this type of surgery is important, it can be hard to see your furry friend in discomfort. If you have never been through these circumstances before, you may not know what to expect or how to get your pet set up for the most comfortable recovery process. Read More 

The Skinny On Unexplained Weight Loss In Cats: How To Be The Doc At Home And When To Visit The Real One At The Vet

25 November 2020
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The feline is famous for concealing possible health issues, mainly because to do anything else in the wild means appearing weak to enemies. Weight loss, though, is something your pet can't hide, and it's something you need to know how to respond to, right away. How To Tell If Your Cat Is Losing Weight  Your feline may be shedding, offering the appearance of weight loss, making it hard to tell, especially if you have a very fluffy breed, such as a Persian or Maine Coon. Read More 

What To Expect When You Take Your Pet To The Veterinary Emergency Room

20 October 2020
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Most veterinary offices are only open during the day, so if your pet has an emergency medical condition that needs treatment in the middle of the night, you will need to take them to a veterinary emergency room. Hopefully you never find yourself in this situation, but if you ever do, it will be helpful if you know what to expect. Keep reading, and that's just what you will learn. Read More 

Allergies, Anemia And Fleas: Could Your Cat’s Minor Scratching Be A Major Health Threat?

22 September 2020
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When you think about fleas, you probably don't think of a major health threat to your cat, but rather how annoying and gross fleas are to everyone in the household, including your beloved feline. In some cases, though, fleas can cause anemia or severe allergic reactions, making them a big concern for anyone who encounters them. How Do You Know Your Cat Has Fleas? Sometimes it's easy to tell your cat has fleas, due to the minor itching and actually seeing the little buggers crawling around. Read More 

Understanding Breast Cancer In Dogs

14 August 2020
 Categories: , Blog

Breast cancer, also referred to as mammary gland tumors, is relatively common in female dogs that haven't been spayed. Having your dog spayed before their first heat cycle significantly lowers their risk of developing breast cancer. It's not clear why some dogs develop the condition, but hormonal and genetic factors may play a part. Breast cancer can occur in any breed, but certain breeds, such as German shepherds, Yorkshire terriers, and pointers, seem to be more prone to developing the condition. Read More